Top Tens, Book Bucket List, and Other End of Year Business

Booklists, Food For Thought, Random

2011 was a GREAT year. I read a lot of great books, attended awesome bookish events, and even had the chace to chat with some inspiring authors. Even with some minor bumps  — not knocking off every book off my book bucket list, nor reading every book I picked up at this year’s Book Expo even though I had all (good) intentions to do just that.

Even with minor bumps I have to say that 2011 was a blogging success. At least I think so, and hope that you, my readers, feel the same way.

After reading (and reviewing) so many books I’ve compiled a best of list for both young adult books and children’s picture books. Without further adieu, I present The BookBandit’s Best of 2011!! (Complete with Honorable Mentions and everything!)

Top Ten (Young Adult) Books:

1. Shine by Lauren Myracle

2. The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

3. Dreamland Social Club by Tara Altebrando

4. Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter

5. Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn

6. Delirium by Lauren Oliver

7. Clarity by Kim Harrington

8. Revolution by Jenniffer Connelly

9. The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg

10. So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti

Most Anticipated Title of 2011: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Honorable Mention: The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson

Top Ten (Children’s Picture) Books:

1. A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Phillip Stead

2. Clink by Kelly Di Pucchio

3. Different Like Coco by Elizabeth Matthews

4. Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator by Mo Willems

5. The Lonely Doll by Dare Wright

6. Spork by Kyo Maclear

7. Daffodil by Emily Jenkins

8. Imagine Harry by Kate Klise

9. The Baby Beebee Bird by Diane Redfield Massie

10. The Cold Water Witch by Yannick Murphy

Honorable Mention: Cloudette by Tom Lichtenheld

In other book related end of year business, I originally set out to read 200 books that year. I figured it’s a nice round number that is a reasonably attainable goal. I mean, it’s 200 not 2,000. At some point I realized that, due to work and life, that 200 was, in fact, NOT an attainable goal. I downsized my goal to 150 books.

I am proud to announce that I did reach my 150 book goal. I was going to write the complete list, but it is 150 books long, and it would only make this post run on. But, fear not! If you do want to see what books I’ve read this year, you could check out my Goodreads Page.

I hope everyone had a fantastic 2011. Happy New Year’s all! Stay tuned for even more reviews, features, and giveaway here on the blog in 2012!