Around the Web (#32)

Around the Web

Are you a binge reader?

Is it possible to read too much?!

What kind of reader are you?

Did you hear about The Queen of Nothing?

Who’s excited for The Sun Is Also A Star movie?!

Get to reading those classics!

Need more magic in your life? Buzzfeed’s got you covered!

Girl power and the celebration of female friendship.

Jason Reynolds has a new book coming out.

Where did the Cat in the Hat come from?


Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters That Remind Me of Myself

Top Ten Tuesday

(Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The above image was taken/created by me for the purpose of this post.)

Hello Readers!

I naturally gravitate towards character driven stories. And naturally, the books that feature characters I see myself most with really resonate with me. The characters listed below are the ones I see myself most in.

Daisy from Royals by Rachel Hawkins – Daisy marches to the beat of her own drummer. And she doesn’t apologize for that. Even to a King and Queen. I’ve always felt different, have always felt as if I march to my own beat as well.  And like Daisy, I consider these traits to be great ones!

Willowdean “Dumplin” Dickson from Dumplin by Julie Murphy – as a plus size gal I feel I rarely see myself, physically. Until I read this book. Not only did I see myself physically represented, but represented in a positive leading role, not just the sidekick. Besides that, I really say my teen self within Dumplin, and her challenging the system disposition. And as an adult, it reminded me, of the person I am.

Chubs from The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken – I like to think of myself as a pretty nice person. But I often feel that the impression I give off to others is a bit more prickly. From the moment I met this character, I felt one with him. I’ve even gone as far as to say he’s the male version of me.

Jean Louise “Scout” Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee – She is the true reason why this book is so, so special to me. Scout is quite possibly the most inquisitive, most curious character I have ever met.  She is constantly challenging, and questioning, and I feel very akin to that. I never grew out of the “why” stage of life. And I’m a firm believer that, even as adults, we should never stop challenging and questioning.

Mila from Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson – No, I don’t have any witch-like abilities. But the thing that makes me identify with this strong character is the fact that  I would do anything for my friends.


While not a full list of ten,  these are the characters that I feel most alike. Or at least the ones I can remember (let’s be honest, as readers we all read a lot of books, and it’s hard to keep track of all the characters we meet, and all the fine details).  So, dear readers, what characters do you see yourself in? Please share in the comments!